Letting My Laces Down for the ATC

(and dreaming of a thru-hike)

I can’t say I’ve thru-hiked the A.T. , yet. Nor can I say I’m the world champion of whipping out a mummy-bag, jumping into it, zipping up, and cramming it back into the stuff sack. But what I can say at least, after the ATC “Kick Your Boots Off” Fundraiser at the Isis Restaurant and Music Hall on Thursday, November 6th, is that I’ve tangoed my way down an A.T. Trail runway made with chart paper and sharpie marker, twirling and jiving over the fourteen states from Georgia to Maine that the A.T. passes through. I can say that I’ve competed in the sleeping bag challenge to be the fastest in and out of the bag, and although I didn’t win, I still felt wrapped up in the spirit and warmth of the crowd, made up of thru-hikers and lovers of all things out-of-doors.

read on below:


Carrying the Weight: Backpacking with Diabetes

When I was first with diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, backpacking became yet another line on my mental list of things I’d probably not be able to do now that I was managing such a complicated condition.

Although the first thing they reassured me of (while I was still in the ER, without me asking), was that with the advent of modern technology, I would be able to safely have children, they did not assure me I’d still be able to romp through mountain streams, swim in crystal clear pools, and sleep under the stars. They did not go so far as to assure me that I’d still be able to stretch my skirt over my kayak and paddle all day, or travel to third world countries. Needless to say, the first consolation did not address my main concerns.

Read on below:
